Ofcourse the fascist AFD party welcomed the ban on Linksunten, many fascists were outed at the website.
In Germany there will be general elections next month. Many observers said the ban is a tactical election campaign move. Apart from autonomous and other leftwing groups, many opposition parties, civil right acticists and some journalists criticized the repressive action of the interior ministery. The chances that Linksunten will come out stronger after the German government’s censorship on the website are pretty good. On the image of Streisand, her mouth is masked with tape and it clearly refers to the Streisand effect. Thomas de Mazière is the federal interior minister of Germany. Below the image the media activists wrote: “Misery for De Mazière!”. The linksunten collective also published an image of Barbara Streisand (image above) with the statement. Today the Linksunten collective published a new statement on their website ( Important: Linksunten is now banned by the German government, so use Tor or a VPN connection before you click at the link), saying: “We will be back soon…” (screenshot below) Linksunten published a message yesterday morning, saying: “We are offline at the moment…” (screenshot below).
But at the same day it already became clear that the German government did not fully control the website. Yesterday the German government shutted down Linksunten Indymedia. Linksunten: “We Will Be Back Soon” – Greetz from Streisand Read also: German Government Bans #Linksunten #Indymedia Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing this text for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only. They want to take us back to an imaginary age of absolute moral clarity, when good was good and evil was evil and everyone could see the difference.Linksunten released a statement on their banned website earlier today, saying: “We will be back soon.” It shows that the media activists still have control over their website and could be the beginning of a huge Streisand effect. Well, not quite, they also want to go back before the Emancipation Proclamation to the days of slavery, not even, what they want to do is take us back to a moment prior to the Enlightenment they want to take us back to a moment when faith registered more than reason. They also want to go back before the New Deal to the 20s, well they also want to go back before the Progressive Era to the Gilded Age. I mean sure, they want to go back before the 70s and the 60s to the 50s, no doubt about that.
This is a deeply uncanny and very troubling development, it exists, and it wants to take us back.